Even though
I had such ideal circumstances I did not achieve everything I intended. Before the sabbatical I
prepared for a really beneficial leave during which I intended to complete, or
at least draft a monograph on the 21st-century digital reception of
Shakespeare. First and foremost I read and considered when preparing for the
term whatever has been written about a sabbatical at ProfHacker. I also made
plans, e.g. how many words are to be written every day so as to achieve the
desired objective. And actually I think I could keep to that and yet not even
the first draft of the volume has been completed. So in a word, planning was
not enough. Throughout the leave I wrote for immediate requests, for coming
conferences, did editing, because these were obligations I could not postpone.
Although all or most of these activities formed steps towards the writing of
the volume, reconsiderations of the general topic from a variety of angles, for
a variety of purposes and audiences and all these did good to the future volume
but were and are not identical with the generation of pages for the book itself.
This is so even if the pages written in English and Hungarian will all be part
of the book in the long run. Thus, from the perspective of the ultimate aim of
the sabbatical, it turned out to be something less successful.
Beyond the
successful and the disappointing tangible outcomes of the sabbatical leave there
was a more complex result as well, which can hardly be placed on the measurable
hierarchical scale. This complex outcome was the result of having the time and
opportunity to step back from the hurly-burly of the works and days of everyday
life. This step occasioned thoughts to surface, thoughts that were always
lingering at the back of my mind. These thoughts have been formed in the
Wodwoian manner: “What am I?” or “What am I doing here..?”, which questions
boil down to the general problem with English Studies, or to doing research in
my particular field, i.e. Renaissance English Studies. Most of the time I write
and publish in English, most of the time I read papers at conferences in
English. So I can hardly reach out to Hungarian people who do not take the
trouble to read in English (and why would they?). Research in this field as far
as my experiences with funding are concerned is not encouraged because of
limitations in financial resources—whether it is an individual grant or one for
a team the result was the same in the last five years. I or we received top grades,
90-100% in project evaluations, and finally our project was turned down, and others
focusing on Hungarian literature won. This is all understandable, because
ultimately we are in Hungary ,
there are poor financial resources, and taxpayers’ money should end up in
projects that are relevant for more people in Hungary .
am I, then?” OK, my research is not marketable in Hungary , but then the
Anglo-American world should be fine. And it is so, but it is precisely the
sabbatical, and the trip to the University of Notre Dame, that taught me that it
is very difficult to play on the same field as my American or British
colleagues. Not that they (you) are not kind and friendly enough, far from it,
but rather that because of the limited access to sources—primary and secondary
as well—sometimes I felt that the paradigms we were caught up in are not
necessarily identical. More precisely what is natural to them (to you), and seems to be
part of the everyday discourse on Renaissance or early Early Modern phenomena
sounds far from natural to me. And this is so even though I use twitter and I
read blogs and search for books that they (you) published recently. What is the
most tragic about this is that this gap becomes only visible when there is time
to read, reflect and meet people (you) in person. When functioning as a screw
in the large machine of the Hungarian higher education I don’t even notice this
This is what it looks like when someone writes down what you think :) Yes, we have to keep on looking... hajrá!