This post
is the second in the
series describing and interpreting a set of questions that I have used when
exploring databases containing Shakespearean texts. The last post presented and
explained the first four questions. This time I shall cover questions 5-8
exploring documentation, purpose, fitness for purpose, and the quality of
the text. Let’s start then with question 5.
- Is the documentation of the database clear and succinct?
of responsibilities and sustainability (even if theoretical) purposes and
origins may well be a characteristic feature of a database. These should be
explored in detail and even the problematic points may be clarified. It is also
relevant here whether this documentation can be found easily or is buried at a
location that can hardly be found. Naturally it is open to debate what is meant
by “detailed” documentation, especially because I can hear the counterargument
that a good project does not need documentation as the database and its
usability speak for themselves, it is, thus, not needed to document this. There
is much truth in this claim, since who needs the documentation for something that
works properly and with considerable success, who reads the documentation of Twitter and Facebook. I reckon the case is different with applications and
databases that if only partially but still would like to attract scholarly
audiences as well. For the scholarly community to be able to take the results
of a project and research or query seriously must be able to look behind what
is immediately visible. What is going on behind the scenes is as important for
a serious user as the results of a query provided by the database. So a clear
and succinct documentation is indispensible for an intended audience that would
like to be taken seriously.
- Is there a clear statement about the purpose of the database?
question speaks for itself. It is reassuring to know what the database was
built for. It does good both to the creator, because to have a clear purpose
help one stay focused.
Also this does good to the user, because then (s)he knows what to expect, be
confident to use the database for what is was created for.
- Quality of the texts.
The quality
of the text is one of the cornerstones of a database. Even if this is only one
of the four aspects of a database, this is the first aspect that a Shakespeare
scholar will enquire about, and if it does not live up to scholarly standards
the database will not be used.
- Is the origin of the digital text documented?
This has
two advantages. If the textual and editorial choice have been explained, it is
very likely that the creator of the database has given thought to the choices
made. In this case it is very unlikely that it can happen that someone created
a powerful, fancy and interesting tool, and then feeds into it an unedited text
found somewhere in the public domain without say checking that the King Lear
under consideration was written by Nahum Tate. If a text is documented
appropriately it is very unlikely that such a mistake is made. The second
advantage of documentation is that the Shakespeare scholar does not have to
spend or waste time with discovering slowly that the text is unreliable and
useless for a scholarly purpose.
- Is there somebody responsible for the digital text?
documentation should not only reveal the origin of the digital surrogate but
also should name the creator of the text. Even in cases if the text was not
created by the creator of the database but (s)he uses someone else’s text. This
is important because even if a text is left without editing, when preparing the
machine readable text there must be decisions made, and it is indispensible
that somebody takes responsibility for these decisions. This is part of
scholarly honesty.
- Are the editorial decisions
explained and documented?
Of course,
the expectation is not to explain every single editorial decision, because that
would mean the creation of a documentation similar to a critical edition. The
expectation, however, lies in the exploration of general editorial decisions
with a few examples for the sake of clarification. Decisions are the ones that
pertain both to the text and to the encoding of the text.
- Is there a harmony between the purpose of the database and the
search engine, quality of the texts, level of encoding?
It can
happen that the purpose of the database and the search engine, quality of the
text and the depth of encoding have not been harmonized. It can happen that a
database intends to serve scholarly purposes for which a powerful search engine
has been installed, which should secure the scholarly outcomes of the queries.
The search engine, however, cannot secure scholarly purposes in itself, if not
accompanied with an appropriate text. The excellence of the engine cannot
compensate for the weakness of the text. Unfortunately in this case there is no
real compensation, the weakest part determines the power of the database. It can
also happen that the search engine has not been tuned for the depth of
encoding. It can happen that the level of encoding does not harmonize with the
power of the search engine, or it can also happen that the text is encoded in
more depth than what the search engine has been tuned for.
This time I focused on
the aspects of documentation that should ensure the quality or at least the transparency
of the database. These qualities may well attract or distract a Shakespeare
scholar to or from the database. Next time I shall continue the list and
explanation of the questions that help analysing a database focusing on
Shakespearean texts.
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