Last week
the Early Modern set
turned out to be the most productive. This set includes a large number of
Shakespeare-posts featuring sources, sonnets, forging Shakespeare and an anti-Stratfordian
polemic writing. Besides Shakespeare I also liked three other pieces of news:
two databases and a CFP. Though less in number, I’ve found three interesting
posts in Digital Humanities too: two posts about sharing (academic blogging and
code), while the third one calls attention to a free online course at Stanford University .
Early Modern Studies:
1. Liz
Dollimore in her Shakespeare’s Sources series, now “Henry
V” wrote about a scene, the battle of wit between Henry and three
traitors. She argues that besides Holinshed, it is a contemporary letter by “Dr.
William Parry who was executed on the morning of 2nd March 1584 for attempting
to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I” that lies in the background of the scene.
2. Sylvia
Morris last week wrote about Shakespeare’s The
Passionate Pilgrim. What is really fascinating in this post, “The
mysterious Passionate Pilgrim and Shakespeare” is that she presents
two variants of sonnet 138, one from The
Passionate Pilgrim and another from the 1609 Q edition, and claims that the
differences between the two reveal something about the poet at work.
3. Stuart
Ian Burns reviews Shakespeare's Poems (Arden Shakespeare: Third Revised Edition).
Edited by Katherine Duncan-Jones. His conclusion is telling enough
to function as an appetiser for the review and the book as well: “Based more
closely than usual on the 1609 Quarto (the exclamation mark is back in Sonnet
123, “No! Time though shalt not boast that I do change…”), each is presented
with extensive notes on the facing page with a short explanatory note at the
top. These compasses prove invaluable for navigating Shakespeare’s fragmentary
maps of the human heart, another helping hand for those of us who’ve become
lost along the way.”
4. Adam G.
Hooks’s post, “Faking
Shakespeare (Part 3): Authentic Shakespeare, Authentic Ireland,” presents
great examples of 18th-century forgeries of Shakespeare with
pictures of the documents.
5. For the sake of commentary and interest I mention a document of the
counter-counter attack in the authorship debate. This is a similar work in its
intentions to Stanley Wells’ and Paul Edmondson’s Shakespeare
Bites Back: Not So Anonymous but as far as quality and force of
arguments are concerned it is of lower quality. The document, entitled: Exposing an Industry in
Denial: Authorship doubters respond to “60 Minutes with Shakespeare,”
despite the similarity responds—as the title makes this clear—to the Shakespeare
Birthplace Trust’s “60 Minutes”- project.
6. This is
very interesting and useful database: The Diplomatic
Correspondence of Thomas Bodley, 1585-1597. It is worth browsing, playing
with it. There is a variety of ways defined in advance to search the database.
7. Thanks
to Sharon Howard at Early Modern Resources for The Universal Short Title Catalogue
(USTC), which is a collective database of all books published in Europe between the invention of printing and the end of
the sixteenth century. #emdatabase
8. Last but not least, this is a CFP for a conference and an interesting
initiative: “The 3rd International Conference of the European
Society for Early Modern Philosophy will be devoted to the following
theme: Debates, Polemics and
Controversies in Early Modern Philosophy (January
30th to February 2nd, 2013, Université de Grenoble,
France). The general objective of the conference is to take an overview of the
present historiographical situation regarding the study of controversies and to
contribute to a reappraisal of the study of controversies in the history of
early modern philosophy.”
Digital Humanities:
1. Ernesto
Priego, in his “’I
Smell Smoke’: Blogging as an Endangered Species” at HASTAC argues that
academic blogging may disappear in the long run, as it is too laborious not to
be recognised at all by institutions as a form of academic output.
2. Jeremy
Boggs’s blog post “Participating
in the Bazaar: Sharing Code in the Digital Humanities” should convince
everybody that sharing the source code is the future for Digital Humanities. He
makes his case with arguments from his own experience along with more theoretical
ones, and thus ends the post claiming: “We should share our code so others can
learn from us, and so we can learn from others. More than anything, though, we
should share code because it’s academic work, and I think academic work should
be shared openly, critiqued, and improved.”
3. This is
a pioneering enterprise at Stanford
University , i.e. a free
online course about “Natural Language
Processing.” The course is managed and taught by Chris Manning and Dan
Jurafsky, and the class starts January 23rd 2012.